Thursday, September 25, 2008 

Splatter: Naked Blood - Free Movie Clips

Splatter: Naked Blood- It is a movie that everyone can enjoy together.This is something not usually seen in movies of this type, so it makes it an unusual, yet pleasant experience.The movie is absolutely stunning and Misa Aika deliver some award-winning performances in this movie. I also think Yumika Hayashi was great!

I think Misa Aika and Yumika Hayashi worked wonderful in Splatter: Naked Blood. The great supporting cast includes Misa Aika, Yumika Hayashi, Mika Kirihara, Sadao Abe, Masumi Nakao.

You should see it, make no mistake this is a definite blockbuster!

Click Here To Download Splatter: Naked Blood Online!

I left some information, immages, and video previews of Splatter: Naked Blood below.

Summary of Splatter: Naked Blood:


"Naked Blood is one of the greatest extreme Japanese films of all time!"

Region 1
Widescreen Letterboxed
Dolby Digital
Japanese Language
English Subtitles
About the Director
Photo Gallery

A young scientist named Eiji (Sadao Abe from "Uzumaki") decides to follow in his father's footsteps to help humanity by developing a drug that converts pain into pleasure. To test it out, he secretly adds his drug to a contraceptive that his mother has been performing clinical trials on with three young women at a local clinic. Of these women, one is enamored with eating, one is obsessively narcissistic, while the third has one seious case of insomnia.

Eiji begins following the three unsuspecting guinea pigs to see their reaction to his new creation, covertly videotaping them and methodically recording the results. Things start to get out of control when the women realize that the more pain they inflict on themselves, the better it feels! Eiji is unable to contain the womens' obsession with pleasure and his own obsession with one of them.

Cult director Hisayasu Sato (Rampo Noir) examines the detriment of a culture absorbed with superficiality and consumption. He does so with some of the nastiest, most over the top and sure to be discussed scenes ever shot on film, including the infamous coochielicious culinary delight, fish fry fingers, and the "pretty pretty" school of piercing!

Click on images below to see Splatter: Naked Blood online :


Watch Splatter: Naked Blood online by clicking here!

Splatter: Naked Blood Trailer:

You can get Splatter: Naked Blood at as well.

Into The Porcupine Cave And Other Odysseys Adventures Of An Occasional Naturalist


Wrestling Women USA - Download DVD Movies

I really loved the movie Wrestling Women USA. I really enjoyed watching Peaches Page in this movie. I also think Timothy Farrell was great!

I think Peaches Page and Timothy Farrell worked wonderful in Wrestling Women USA. The great supporting cast includes Peaches Page, Timothy Farrell, Clara Mortensen, Rita Martnez, Muriel Gardner.

Click Here To Download Wrestling Women USA Online!

I left some information, immages, and video previews of Wrestling Women USA below.

Summary of Wrestling Women USA:
What makes America the Greatest Country on Earth? Why, Wrestling Women, of course! And here's a vintage look at the Golden Age of Female Wrestling, back when the Cold War was hot, television was new, and Women's Wrestling first exploded on the national scene! See six spectacular all-star matches featuring Lily Bitter vs. June Beyers, Cora Combs vs. Laraine Johnson, Clara Mortensen vs. Rita Martinez, The Blonde Ballerina (Lynn O'Connor) vs. June Adair, Ella Waldeck vs. Jane Mull, and Ida May & Violet Vian vs. Carrie Majors & Betty Hawkins! Add in bonus shorts, stills, audio commentary and much more--plus the 1951 feature "Pin-Down Girl!"--and you'll watch brazen bombshells battle it out in over 3-1/2 rough-and-tumble hours of catfights, scissor locks, and buxom body-slamming action!

Click on images below to see Wrestling Women USA online :


Watch Wrestling Women USA online by clicking here!

Wrestling Women USA Trailer:

You can get Wrestling Women USA at as well.

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